Let's Connect & Feel Empowered
Join us in small groups to talk about topics that can help us be more confident parents.

Supporting Your Child from K2 to P1
It can be rather scary when your little one is no longer a preschooler! Parents tend to have a lot more (complex) feelings than the child at this stage. How can you support him/her at this point? This workshop helps to shift your attention to the "right" areas.
How to Foster Relationships with Children After Work?
With the current society, most parents hold a job or two. The time spent with the child will then definitely decrease. How can you still be a confident and well-equipped parent? This workshop shares with you various perspectives and works with you to be equipped with more strategies while being a working parent.

All About Screen Time
Parents have extreme views about screen media usage. What's right and wrong, what's appropriate? How can we guide them to instill good habits towards screen usage? This workshop tells you all that you need to know about children & screen time, and be better equipped with strategies at home.
Intentional Parenting
We go deep into your values, priorities and learn how to make use of them in your day to day parenting so as to live a happy life. We will talk about the messages that we put across at home and how we can reset them. This workshop works to get your values clear and strategies be in line with them.