This beautiful platform is set-up by me and my sister, Kei, along with our support team!

What led us to this?
We were early childhood teachers in a private enrichment centre situated in the eastern side of Singapore for almost a decade. With an environment that strongly encouraged parental involvement, open communication and hands-on learning, we spoke to a lot of parents, worked hand-in-hand with them to guide their little ones through their key developmental periods. We felt nothing but grateful for the trust and belief from all the parents whom we worked with.
As we worked with parents and children all these years, we picked up lots of important lessons. The top being the fact that parenting is always rewarding despite its challenges. Support among the community often is what's needed to get through each hurdle. As such, our strong desire to spread the knowledge and tips from all parents led us to setting up this space.
How can we help?
Apart from our invaluable practical experiences, I have completed my Masters of Education (Developmental Psychology) from National Institute of Education, NTU (SG) and am in the midst of completing The Parent Coach Programme from Parent Coaching Institute (USA). My research interests are mainly in parenting styles, perceptions of parenting styles as well as screen media exposure.
Kei is in the midst of completing her Masters of Education (Developmental Psychology) from National Institute of Education, NTU (SG), too, with her research interest in motivation.
With our knowledge, we aim to read and interpret as many relevant research papers to help parents like you handle challenges more confidently and competently.